
Future of Multimedia Systems and Applications

Dept. of Communications and Computer Eng., School of Fundamental Sc. and Eng., Waseda Univ.
Dept. of Computer Sc. and Communications Eng., Graduate School of Fundamental Sc. and Eng. Waseda Univ.


Spring Semester

  • Multimedia Info Representation and Content Distribution Systems (Graduate School of Fundamental Sc. and Eng.)

Fall Semester

  • Multimedia Systems A (School of Fundamental Sc. and Eng.)

Refer to Waseda Moodle or Syllabus for the details.

Kameyama Lab., Waseda Univ.
Nishi-waseda Campus

Waseda Univ. Shillman Hall 6F,
3-14-9, Okubo, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 169-0072 Japan